Friday, January 22, 2010

TV: Oh Conan, We hardly knew yee

So we are mere hours away from the final Tonight Show with Conan O' Brien. I'm not going to go on a rant here about NBC's brainless decision making in the matter, because there is nothing I can say that hasn't been said better. But I will say that tonight could be one of the greatest nights in late night TV history, if only because Conan has to top every other brilliant show he's done this week.

Case in point, his "Crazy Expensive" sketch from last night:

And of course, a few channels over, Kimmel knocked it out of the park with his Ken Burnsian take on the late night war:

So here we are folks, Conan gets his buyout and we will almost certainly see him bring his edgy, smart and creative brand of late night fair to somewhere when his non-compete is up in September. Jay Leno with continue bumbling around the stage like a "ruh-tard" spewing his pointless unfunny one-liners that make old, bland people giggle.

I can hope that NBC will continue to fail after this impressive display of Assholery, but I'm not sure how confident I am.

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