Friday, January 29, 2010


So Jay "Big Jaw" Leno went on Oprah yesterday to tell his story about the whole late night fiasco. Now, I am one who frequently criticizes the Queen of all Media for her softball interviews, but I really must say she took Jay to task. At one point, Oprah brought up the mini-feud with Jimmy Kimmel and chin boy made a sad attempt to throw Kimmel under the bus, saying he had been "Suckerpunched" by Jimmy when he appeared on Leno's 10@10 segment.

Perhaps Jay was egomanical or just plain dumb enough to think that Jimmy wouldn't respond.

But Respond he did:

So great. After Jimmy asks the audience if they want to hear the real story you can almost hear the voice from the old Mortal Kombat game saying FINISH HIM!

At this point Leno should just stay on his Island with what viewing audience he will have left, tell his tired jokes about the Gosselins or Judge Ito, and stop attempting to take on foes that are much stronger and talented than him.

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