Monday, January 25, 2010


Trying my damndest to avoid hyperbole, I would have to say that Friday's Conan farewell was the most important and well put together piece of late night television since the Carson farewell. And it most certainly succeeded in every possible place that Leno's schlocky, ham handed goodbye failed 10 months ago.

Steve Carell's exit interview was fantastic and Tom Hanks was a perfect final guest, especially the fact that he acknowledged Conan's wonderful writing work on SNL. (You know, back when the show was actually good.) Neil Young pulled off a brilliant "Long May You Run".

And, finally, Conan's farewell speech was so beautiful, classy and inspiring that despite his plea for "No Cynicism" you couldn't help but be more enraged that NBC has treated this genius so poorly.

Here is the entire speech.


You have to watch the enitre episode to get to it, (Or click forward) but it is totally worth.

Godspeed you brilliant ginger bastard, we will see you in September!

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