Thursday, January 28, 2010

REVIEW: Crazy Heart

I knew the same thing leaving this film that I suspected walking in. This is a great film, but it is great because it succeeds where it certainly and easily could have failed.

The film tells the story of "Bad" Blake (the brilliant Jeff Bridges), a one time famous and now washed up Country singer who has fallen into an unending world of dive bar gigs and cheap booze. Bridges deals with a failing career, addiction and watching his former protege Tommy Sweet (Colin Farrell) become king of the world as he falls into obscurity. All while trying to perhaps find redemption in the arms of a newspaper reporter. (Maggie Gyllenhall)

As I said before, there are so many things this movie could have done wrong but didn't. First-time director Scott Cooper is trying so hard to avoid cliche that you can almost hear it, and what his efforts bring is a wonderfully realistic character study. The perfectly cast film sucks you in and has you caring so hard about the extremely flawed anti-hero.

You find yourself at many moments of the film expecting the usual Hollywood silliness to slap you in the face, and at points that hand is most certainly cocked back and ready, but the strike never comes.

Finally, in a world where the Award crowd always seems to hand awards to actors who perform in the oh so tiresome "Played against type" or "Like you've never seen them" category. Jeff Bridges shows how to do it right and deserves any accolade he recieves for this fantastic performance.

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