Friday, January 22, 2010


Ever hit the video store on a Friday night and have a hard time finding some forgotten gem for your weekend viewing pleasure? Well now I bring you the Friday Feature: RETRO REVIEW.

Sometimes the review will be some little known critically acclaimed classic, other times a nugget of cheesy brilliance. Today's is most certainly the latter.

DEEP COVER (1992) Stars Lawrence Fishburne as Russell Stevens/John Hull a Cop turned DEA agent undercover in the LA drug scene. The movie follows "Hull" as he imerses himself in the cocaine culture to work his way up the ladder and take down the big whigs bringing the powder into the country. The movie also features Jeff Goldblum as the Lawyer/Aspring Drug Kingpin that Hull teams up with.

  • Fishburne's strange street poetry that weaves it's way into the soundtrack of the film. The only reason it sounds so cool is because Larry is saying it.
  • Jeff Goldblum (after a career of wimpy charecters) talking street throughout the picture and trying his best to act all badass.
  • The Mayor's secretary from SPIN CITY playing the Fishburne's money laundering love interest.
  • Some of the greatest over the top death scenes ever.
  • One fantastic action sequence involving a showdown inside a limo during a police chase

At the end of the day, the flick is cheesy goodness. However, if you were a fan of the early ninties "Urban Crime" genre, this is most definately a must see.

FUN FACT: For you hip-hop fans, the theme song of the film, entitled "Deep Cover", was the first ever solo single from DR. Dre and features an as of yet unknown Snoop Doggy Dogg. So basically the little known track is the birth of the poppier era of Gangsta Rap.

Trailer and video for the theme song below:

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