Saturday, March 6, 2010


So we ware just a mere 24 hours away for the big night in Movies for 2010. A myriad of questions abound, and just as every other person on earth with a blog, facebook, twitter or what have you will be doing. I know offer you my 2010 OSCAR PICKS!

What Will Win- The Hurt Locker
What Should Win- The Hurt Locker

Despite all the dirty e-mail goofiness this week, I am still confident that Hollywood will get this right. I have lost count as to how many people have told me "I loved the Hurt Locker but I don't EVER wanna see it again." This is the precise statement that many times makes for a Best Picture winner.

Who Will Win- Katheryn Bigelow-The Hurt Locker
Who Should Win- Katheryn Bigelow- The Hurt Locker

There are so many reasons to root for this, The Hurt Locker is brilliant, the whole ex-wife/ex-husband thing. However, my main reason for this vote is that I very much want to live in a world where the director of Point Break is also a Best Director winner.

Who Will Win- Jeff Bridges- Crazy Heart
Who Should Win- Jeremy Renner- The Hurt Locker

If I took the time to also do a tighest Best Actor races list, this year could most certainly be at the top. Between George Clooney, Bridges and Renner you have three of the most remarkable performances to all happen in the same year. This one is kind of a pick-em, it could be anybody.

Who Will Win- Sandra Bullock- The Blindside
Who Should Win- Gabourey Sidibe- Precious

Oscar loves to award the Movie star whos been around for ever that finally gives them an excuse to hand them a trophy (see Nicole Kidman) and that is probably what will happen this year. I like to root for the unknown that comes out of no where so I would dig seeing Sidibe win. That said Helen Mirren and Meryl Streep won Golden Globes and all Streep does is win Oscars so who knows.

Who Will- Christoph Waltz- Inglourious Basterds
Who Should- Same

It's this plain, if Waltz doesn't win it will be one of the bigger upsets ever.

Who Will- MoNique- Precious
Who Should- Vera Farmiga or Anna Kendrick- Up In The Air

Again, Oscar voters love to spotlight the breakout star in his/her first dramatic role, so I see MoNique winning. That said Up In The Air would have been nothing without the amazing performances of it's two Supporting ladies and it would be a treat to see one of them grab some gold.

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